3 Good And Bad Reasons To Get A Payday Loan

Even if you have stable employment, just one unexpected thing can throw a wrench in your financial plans and leave you in desperate need of fast cash. Thankfully, payday loan providers are now sprinkled across the country and perfectly accessible for the average working individual who needs a little help. These loans are easy to get with few upfront requirements and most of the time, you can walk away with the cash you need after just providing a few documents and signing a paper or two. [Read More]

Ready To Sell Your Coin Collection? How To Get The Best Price For Your Coins

If you have a coin collection that you want to sell, don't just accept the first offer you get. If you do that, you might not get the best deal. That's why it's important for you to prepare yourself for the process before you start looking for a buyer for your collection. Here are four steps you should take to ensure you get the most for your coin collection. Do Your Homework [Read More]

Tips For Getting A Low Mortgage Interest Rate

Are you purchasing a new home? One goal you may have is to get the lowest possible interest rate on your mortgage. Thankfully, mortgage rates have been close to their historical lows, so the rate you lock in should be affordable. Current interest rates on a fixed rate 30 year mortgage are currently around 4%, with the June 2016 rate averaging at 3.9%. In comparison, the same loan had a 6% interest rate back in 2008. [Read More]

3 Important Tips For Novice Coin Collectors

Whether you have decided to begin building a coin collection that you expect to grow in value over the years or just find coins fascinating, you have likely already discovered that there is a learning curve to coin collecting. Thankfully, part of the fun of coin collecting is learning new tips and tricks for improving your collection and your coin collecting skills. While you will continue to learn more and more as you collect, read on to learn three important tips for novice coin collectors. [Read More]